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Not a good optic from a CT Hunter


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He’s from Putnam County, New York. The article says it and I know him from another fishing forum years ago. So crazy. The guy literally lived for hunting and fishing throughout NY and CT. I don’t know anything about the story besides what’s in the local news and online petitions I have seen on Instagram, etc. 

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 I hope Konschak loses his Hunting Licenses in NY + CONN Forever.  

  Jail Time is needed. No slap on the wrist.He won't be popular  in there...

  I don't want to hear that he still can hunt that property  after completing  a 1st time offenders program.

Take The Multiple Use Area Challenge. 

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15 minutes ago, crappyice said:

Shocked your first response is to defend CT...so unlike a Chief and Red Sox fan to hate on NY!

How experienced could he be if he took them to a taxidermist  who then turned him away cause they were pets? Or is that part of his "I didn't know" defense-why would I bring them to a taxi if I knew they were pets?

He could have at least taken the collars off before dropping them off.

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Strange story so far missing some important facts. If you read the news article, it is some maniac who shot someone’s family pets knowingly, and then went further to attempt to have them tanned as pelts. Then I find out he is an avid hunter, which makes me think he mistook the dogs for coyotes. Were these animals wearing collars like most house pets would be? There just seems to be parts of the story missing, but either way this guy is screwed and should be. 

"A sinking fly is closer to Hell" - Anonymous 




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4 minutes ago, Bucksnbows said:

Strange story so far missing some important facts. If you read the news article, it is some maniac who shot someone’s family pets knowingly, and then went further to attempt to have them tanned as pelts. Then I find out he is an avid hunter, which makes me think he mistook the dogs for coyotes. Were these animals wearing collars like most house pets would be? There just seems to be parts of the story missing, but either way this guy is screwed and should be. 

Media is very good at leaving out critical information to advance a narrative.  

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57 minutes ago, Bucksnbows said:

Strange story so far missing some important facts. If you read the news article, it is some maniac who shot someone’s family pets knowingly, and then went further to attempt to have them tanned as pelts. Then I find out he is an avid hunter, which makes me think he mistook the dogs for coyotes. Were these animals wearing collars like most house pets would be? There just seems to be parts of the story missing, but either way this guy is screwed and should be. 

If you click into the pictures he posted on a forum or maybe they were through text, they are both in a jetsled type thing. I don't see any collars. There's a lot of great questions here:

  • If he has hunted this suburbia type spot for 20 years, how was he not aware of these 2 dogs living on the street?
  • One article says he forged the CT landowner permission slip, while another says he had permission to hunt this spot for 20 years
  • If his ground blind and feeder can be seen from the road, I assume he bow hunting not gun hunting?
  • Did he really think they were coyotes when he brought them to the taxidermist? or did he do that to save face?
  • Why not public apology to save his job and family from all this bad press? maybe his attorney advised not to?

Regardless of the above, I would think it's gotta be a lifetime ban hunting/fishing in NY and CT for this incident. Unless it turns out he was attacked and shot in self defense, which doesn't seem to be the case.

Lastly, and unrelated to the dogs, is a bear knocked the fence down. CT is overrun with bears, can we please finally get a season?

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Some objective observations (not opinion on the issue, or taking sides) on this unfortunate incident:  1) Those German Shepherds, running through the woods, which they were, certainly could be mistaken for coyotes.  2) In the family photos I am unable to see a collar, even if they had them on. 


PSA: If your dog is going to be running through the woods during hunting season, put a collar on it that has a bell.

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I am not in any way saying what should or shouldn’t happen but…

A six foot fence might have kept the hunter from knowing those dogs were there. He may have had no need to interact with them in those 20 years because of the fence. No collar since they were thought to be contained in owner’s eyes. Doubtful that he had a history with them as the articles probably would have noted it by now, so it’s not likely a SSS scenario with a poorly executed last two SS. He only saw those dogs because of the fence being unknowingly busted up.

I fear that he genuinely mistook them for coyotes somehow. Saw two and probably felt even more convinced. And that is a really bad outcome for everyone and the dogs. What an imperfect storm IMO.

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Look at the lady who shot the obviously siberian huskie claiming it was a wolf out west a while ago. Put it all over social media and is now taking the heat.

Media can spin its bit; but in the end the guy shot two dogs and in this day and age its a really bad look for hunters.

I’ve screwed up also, although I never shot someone’s pet, I have in the past posted some hunts for more iconic animals on various online platforms. Had an anti hunting group actively trying to tie me to nefarious activities because of that, learned  a valuable lesson and don’t share hunting related pics anymore.

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