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New Feature: Added NYSDEC press release feed


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I get this daily on my phone, worth signing up for on DEC’s site.

Some are just BS from the Gov. pretending she is doing something; but some are good. Forest Ranger week in review is often interesting.

NOAA weekly update is interesting also.

Edited by Ogee
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I really do hate NYS DEC. They never do anything good. They are bloodsuckers. 

My land borders, WMA land. Wildlife Management Areas. 

The DEC has allowed snowmobiles . This land (wma's) are not supposed to have snowmobiles. It's for hikers, horseback riders, fisherman, hunters, birdwatchers....

They also are clear cutting acres and acres of forest. They call it the young forest initiative . They claim they are making moose habitat, and hare habitat . 2 animals we don't have. The logging is not the problem, it can be good. The problem is the BS reasons they claim they are doing it for. The real reason is money. When they get done logging, it looks like the moon. They bulldoze headers down to gravel nothing grows in. Never do any improvements, they don't even put it back the way it was. Not even grass seed, just nothing.

They caused huge erosion on MY land which was killing MY trees. Took them 3 years of me bitching at them until they fixed it. And it was simple to fix with water bars and some rocks.

All they did was put up kiosks. Ugly neon looking trash in the middle of beautiful forest.

Horrible deer management, minimal fish stocking, they just suck. I've been to many other states to compare, and NYS DEC is the WORST

Never any road improvements for access, or never any plantings. Just take, take, take.


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7 minutes ago, Spysar said:

I really do hate NYS DEC. They never do anything good. They are bloodsuckers. 

My land borders, WMA land. Wildlife Management Areas. 

The DEC has allowed snowmobiles . This land (wma's) are not supposed to have snowmobiles. It's for hikers, horseback riders, fisherman, hunters, birdwatchers....

They also are clear cutting acres and acres of forest. They call it the young forest initiative . They claim they are making moose habitat, and hare habitat . 2 animals we don't have. The logging is not the problem, it can be good. The problem is the BS reasons they claim they are doing it for. The real reason is money. When they get done logging, it looks like the moon. They bulldoze headers down to gravel nothing grows in. Never do any improvements, they don't even put it back the way it was. Not even grass seed, just nothing.

They caused huge erosion on MY land which was killing MY trees. Took them 3 years of me bitching at them until they fixed it. And it was simple to fix with water bars and some rocks.

All they did was put up kiosks. Ugly neon looking trash in the middle of beautiful forest.

Horrible deer management, minimal fish stocking, they just suck. I've been to many other states to compare, and NYS DEC is the WORST

Never any road improvements for access, or never any plantings. Just take, take, take.


   The DEC came through for me years back after my 2nd May Turkey Hunt was interrupted  by a line of cars and Trucks arriving at the Big Field,I was set up in. 

   A Big Gobbler who was making slow progress  to me-- Sprinted out of the Field on seeing Black Labs Golden Retrievers, Brown Labs come jumping out.

    Another Field Trial....

  Later that day in 2009,I believe,I wrote a old fashioned  Letter to the Region 3 Headquarters  of the DEC up in New Paltz.

   These Field Trials- just about every weekend in the Spring and Summer. On some Weekdays as well- were Screwing up plenty of Turkey Hunters in up to 3 big areas- although they switch up and use at least another 3 areas.

  License Plates from Alabama, Maine,New Jersey,etc,etc. And they start rolling in after unlocking the Gates just after Dawn.

 The area,I am talking about is - Stewart State Forest. 

   The one thing I got approved  is that NO Field Trials would be allowed on May 1st. I wrote the DEC a long letter  of busted up May Turkey Hunts of mine,my Brother in Law- who was Hunting another area,and disgruntled  Turkey Hunters returning to the parking lot telling tales of many running Labs and Vehicles  pulling up.

  You learn to deal with the Mountain Bikers,Hikers,and Joggers - no problem  there. But a Field Trial= Game Over.

   Pretty Soon anyone will be able to see  at the 5,I believe information  Kiosks- the new 2023 Calender of Events and when these Field Trials and other events will happen . 

  I give the DEC a A+ for taking May 1st off the Table.  I only wish they were in there even less..

 Punch in- Field Trial/ Hudson Valley Chapter Of N@#$%& also.




Take The Multiple Use Area Challenge. 

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