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Had bird sounding off 50 plus times  behind the  house. Heard them head to orchard  gobbling whole time  at 630  at 645  they were headed towards top of ravine where  i could hear hens calling. Here are the video when then met  up..  well  a few of them  . Were in front of camera for 7  min. Also has still camera  in orchard and got the two of them alone at 640.  Time stamp on video should be 715  not 615..



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7 minutes ago, mowin said:

You should sign up for both contests.  

Really dont do contests.   Only  one i have is with the bird / game  im after. I encourage kids to as they all usually get some kind of call  amd makes it exciting for them.   I like the  old  one where they wrote up the story  of the  hunt and that counted in towrd the winner.  Just  using beard spur and weight takes away from a kid  killing a nice jake for their 1st bird.  They end  up feeling bad as it wasnt  big..  

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2 minutes ago, G-man said:

Really dont do contests.   Only  one i have is with the bird / game  im after. I encourage kids to as they all usually get some kind of call  amd makes it exciting for them.   I like the  old  one where they wrote up the story  of the  hunt and that counted in towrd the winner.  Just  using beard spur and weight takes away from a kid  killing a nice jake for their 1st bird.  They end  up feeling bad as it wasnt  big..  

It's still fun for the kids.  I just don't let the contest influence their decision on weather to take a Jake if they choose to. 

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