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Sad to see it go. We too have a couple sumac trees that have been used by bucks for years. Most always at night though. Bucks seem to like rubbing on sumac's. But certain trees, like the one you posted are used by many different bucks. Over many years. Almost like an annual signpost.


Sumacs are popular. I find they have historically been used like your example. Year after year.

Out in Missouri cedar is more common and in areas where cedar is lighter density, you can almost always count on that cedar being rubbed. We have a five acre patch that has four cedars in it. All four are 5-10ft high. The only trees rubbed in those five acres. Like a dang magnet.


Had a cedar that was a signpost for years and years with rubs from ground to as high as one could reach. Then hunting and poaching pressure increased and all the sudden one year it stopped. Have other cedars in the area, and none have ever been rubbed like that particular tree.

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