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DIY Turkey Beards-Spurs-Tailfans


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How does everyone keep/store there beards, Tail fans and spurs from over the years? I have lost a few but i keep every tail fan beard and spur over the last 10 years. Going to put a Spur Necklace together. But what about the beard and tail fan, How does everyone keep there's?  Looking for ideas.. 

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i always saved the fans for others to use with decoys because until these newer realistic decoys the fake fans always sucked. i think the last one was in the freezer so long i just tossed it because i couldn't get anyone to come get it and i didn't feel like dealing with it.  never saved the spurs. didn't grow up around turkey hunters and was never told they were important. lol breast meat seems to be the most important thing i've saved. guess i'm not much of a die hard turkey hunter.

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