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Crap.. Had to turn the heat on today.


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We always try for November 1st. Wife and I will wear sweatpants, sweatshirts while watching TV. May have to turn on the gas fireplace in the morning to take the chill off but that doesn’t take very long. I’m seeing some pretty cold nights coming for the middle of October and the end of it. Don’t think we will make Nov 1 this year

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I had one fire in the masonry heater and one in the furnace. It is nice to take the chill off,the house does get cold without any heat besides the woodfurnace or masonry heater. I used to try to hold off until October but now i am going with an as needed policy...

It actually was kind of fun starting the fires,I have hardly had any campfires so I feel like my enthusiasm for fire starting is at max now. I will be tired of it come March,but then I just keep reminding myself how much money I save by heating with wood.

I also managed to re-side and insulate the last side of the house this summer,so I am curious to see if that will make a noticeable difference this winter.

Edited by BowmanMike
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4 minutes ago, Rusty said:

We primarily heat with wood,  but we do have an oil burner and a 200 gallon oil tank that we fill once a year.  We still have a 1/4 tank of oil left from last year, so I told my wife to crank the heat if she's cold.  It's 60 in the house but she hasn't turned the thermostat up yet.  

Better fill that oil tank up soon big price increases are coming.


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