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Little twig , little twig
your a thorn in my side
To small to see at range with the naked eye
Protecting your woodland friend
who didnt know i was there.
I drew back quiet without a sound
Aimed carefuly and dreamed of backstrap well done
The release pressed
The arrow on its way
Oh little twig you made my arrow miss high today
Im sorry not sorry 
I pulled you down
Snapped you off and threw you on the ground
A few profane  words may of been said
As i walked back to my tree hanging my head.....



Hickory nuts fall through the brush
Hitting the ground with a ker-plop

Leaves like confetti fall through the air
Riding the breeze like little sails

Yellow orange brown and red
When they are all gone the tree looks dead..

Scurrying shuffling in the leaves
A grey squirrel pops  out next to me

Heavy footfalls coming fast 
Looks like a doe has a coyote on its ass

I break the silence of the dawn
The coyote stops with my bow drawn

The hiss of the string
The woosh of an arrow

The yote screams  like a kid who is out of jello
It doesnt go far
The woods quiet down
Crimson sprinkled all over the ground

The smile i have may seem kind of crass
But that is what a coyote get from chasing ass....


This one would fit today...

Sweating sitting in a tree

Wondering when a bear i will see?

Squirrels, rabbits , grouse stroll by

But is a bear i want to spy with my eye.

The leaves have all fallen 

Noise is all they can make

When footfalls crush them 

And rustling at the winds fate

But all is silent in the woods 

Making any noise wouldn't be good

Only a chickadee chirps out its name

Then another answers with the same 

Perhaps they are just laughing at me 

Me Sweating ...Sitting in a tree ...

1 hour ago, fletchny11 said:

I know it's poetic license and all but I can't get past the strap WELL done.....



I'd be amiss if I didn't agree that jumped off the page for me.  I would have said "rarely done" but it might be confused with me also being a bad hunter.  I still think that's better than well done backstraps! :rofl:

1 minute ago, nywaw said:

I'd be amiss if I didn't agree that jumped off the page for me.  I would have said "rarely done" but it might be confused with me also being a bad hunter.  I still think that's better than well done backstraps! :rofl:

Well done would mean cooked to perfection  not the cook temp of the meat.. its  not ordering at a restaurant 

1 hour ago, G-man said:

Well done would mean cooked to perfection  not the cook temp of the meat.. its  not ordering at a restaurant 

It could be considered that way too, but most see well done and steak in the same sentence and think about the doneness of it.   Well at least two of us did.  But the poems are great, we're just being nitty! :)

30 minutes ago, nywaw said:

It could be considered that way too, but most see well done and steak in the same sentence and think about the doneness of it.   Well at least two of us did.  But the poems are great, we're just being nitty! :)

Cooked well  done vs well done... idk.. 


Birds flocking flying south
Blue Jays seem to have a really big mouth

Yelling at me in a tree
It wasn't him I came to see

He finally leaves and the woods quiet down
Lots of birds singing to greet the dawn

Chickadee, thrush, crow I hear
Golden crowns ringlets greet my ear

Sparrow's, Robin's, blackbirds chirp along
Perhaps they sing as fall is almost gone

Can hear squirrels and rabbits chewing now
Putting on fat before the cold winds howl

No sign or sight of my quarry around
At least I can listen to all the woodland sounds.


In the darkness early morn.

I wait to hear the birds welcome the dawn


With stick and string in hand I wait

Perhaps a big buck today will meet its fate


Footfalls crunch the dry leaves

I hope it's a big buck oh god please


drawing closer it seems as I await

Oh no my knees are starting to shake.


Suddenly a snort and I can hear it run

Bucks dont get big by being dumb.......

Posted (edited)
  • Five foot of snow fell the night before

No one wanted to go out the door

Onto my feet the snowshoes were strapped
Told the fellas I was  headed out back

Was hard walking in the snow
But I wasn't the only one to give it a go

I saw his silhouette crossing the field
Didn't know how big, but it was it would make many meals

I tried to run thru that deep snow
But it made the woods before I made much of a go

Finally got to where I saw its tracks
Started to follow them  but,There he was doubling back

I line up my shot and let the ball fly

Smoke filled the air so thick it could make one cry

He jumped up  and seemed to fly at the sound of the gun. 

It didn't seem like he was having fun

I got to where he was standing when the smoke cleared
Found a tuft of hair like the nanny goats beard

No blood at all on top of the snow
30 ft between its leaps as i tracked it in the snow

Then there it was standing ahead
But was it my deer or was mine dead?

It lifted its head and there was no being  mistaken
It was the buck I shot, standing there for the taking

Fired a second ball and he went down
Thrashing and feet flailing around

I ran to it and put a ball in its chest
It was an awesome buck ! it is  my best!20231003_141413.thumb.jpg.c2ee4ca8ef965eb2bc0dec82e7146e2b.jpg

Edited by G-man

Pumpkins ripen
Apples fall from the tree
A hint of color appears on the leaves
Air is chill with a northerly breeze
Summer is ending
Autumn  is near

An arrow hisses thru the air
A thump of a hit,
 A deer flees in terror
A splash of crimson on the ground,
Is what i really hope is found.
If my shot was true, 
Not far away
Lays food for my family on this day.

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