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Posted (edited)

I have one dozen NO-BS K.O. K9 X-Treme Coil Spring Traps I’m selling for $250 (plus actual shipping).  I’m posting the traps here and on the NYS Trapping forum first; hopefully the person buying the traps are close enough to me that I don’t need to ship (they fit in two large USPS flat rate boxes).

These traps are offset, four-coiled, and both inside and outside laminated (inside laminations make the traps NY-legal for land trapping).  The traps have a 36” of chain connected to a Super Stake, with a heavy duty T-Bar Shock Spring and 3 inline swivels.  Also included are NO-BS trap setters.

These are the most extreme coyote traps I have ever seen!  I bought these new a couple years ago and had them inside laminated but didn’t use them much as they are too much of a trap for me (several of the traps have never been used).  Regardless of their use, I dye and wax them with my other traps each year, and I just re-dyed them yesterday before getting them ready to sell (they are currently not waxed).

To give you an idea of current prices, as advertised by Minnesota Trapline Products, Inc. https://www.minntrapprod.com/NO-BS-K-9-X-Treme-Coil-Spring-Trap-Offset-Laminated-4-Coil/productinfo/KO-K9-4/ these traps currently sell for $259.99/doz, the 18-inch chained Super Stakes are $39.99/doz, JC Conner’s T-Bar shock springs are $29.95/doz, 3 doz MB Crunch Proof swivels are $20.85 and the NO-BS setters sell for $34.99 (there are also laminations and fabrication costs put into these traps).

If interested, please email me at dinorocks@gmail.com









Edited by Dinorocks
  • Dinorocks changed the title to SOLD! NO-BS K.O. K9 X-Treme Coil Spring Traps for sale

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