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28 minutes ago, BowmanMike said:

I can't quite tell how high those ridges on the bark are,it could be eastern cottonwood if they are really pronounced.

Here's a closeup pic of the bark.  Either way, it's not desirable, so over the bank it goes. 



Woodworkers call that “flame” box elder. They make beautiful bowls and turkey calls. It’s a softer hardwood and often grows in riparian areas along rivers and streams. It stump sprouts if a flood flow shears it off or if a beaver fells it. We have a box elder beetle that has greatly weakened them and that is what puts that red “flame” into them. Here’s the best I’ve found to date on a 1.5 mile river channel, bank and floodplain project we did in VA. 


"A sinking fly is closer to Hell" - Anonymous 




18 minutes ago, Bucksnbows said:

Woodworkers call that “flame” box elder. They make beautiful bowls and turkey calls. It’s a softer hardwood and often grows in riparian areas along rivers and streams. It stump sprouts if a flood flow shears it off or if a beaver fells it. We have a box elder beetle that has greatly weakened them and that is what puts that red “flame” into them. Here’s the best I’ve found to date on a 1.5 mile river channel, bank and floodplain project we did in VA. 


This one wasn't nowhere near as vivid. 


1 hour ago, Rusty said:

If it’s Box elder the buds and branches will be arranged opposite as opposed to alternate.   Do you have pics of the branches?   

Just noticed your question.  Unfortunately I dumped them over the bank already. 


I vote boxelder as well. Junk firewood.  I have "trees" on my property that have grown to 30' tall and cut down  to the stump at least 3 times in my lifetime..lol

Oh and @Rusty, you want to borrow my old wood splitter ? I could split 2 full cord an hr with it..

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