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Deer Bait Encountered On Public Over The Years.


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   I have old and very recent memories of either September  Hiking or October Pheasant Hunting on different  areas of New York Public Lands. 

   I remember back when,I was around 11 or so or around 1970 and out walking with my Father who was Pheasant Hunting near the Orange County Black Dirt area. We came upon a small clearing with a Bloody Old Picnic Table . 2 Deer were hanging up in nearby Trees and a 3rd was cut up on the Picnic Table. A bunch of Salt Lick and other darker Blocks were stacked around. Of course,I did not know what they were at the time. My Father who was a Cop at that Time said - Let's  Get The Hell out of here. He had his Shotgun at Port Arms. I still Remember. 

   In the Decades to come,I have come upon in the Field edges and especially Wetlands while hunting for Woodcock plenty of Salt Blocks and Dark Mineral Blocks  and plenty of large Corn Piles.

   More recently in the last few years while Shooting in the Goshen,NY Blackdirt off Indiana Road,I saw a beat up pickup drive by close and pull into a Scrub Field. Close enough for me to see a good 3/ 50lb bags of Deer Corn and Blocks. 

 Quite isolated way back there.  A Full 1 mile back till it curves to the North . Indiana Road looks like a Farmer Access Road with Trenches on either side. But it is a Town Road in Goshen. DEC State Land is on both sides of the Walkill River in this area. Not many know.

     Some of these Blocks are Dirt Cheap. I looked up plenty. Tom Score/Deer + Wild Game Block with a picture of both a Buck and a Gobbler goes for $8.99 at Walmart.

  Anyway,I have come upon countless Blocks everywhere over the Decades.  One of my Fav Woodcock Hunting places ,I look for are soft Wetland areas with plenty of Indian Heads for Woodcock cover and soft ground to get to their Earthworms before they migrate again on the next night under the Stars.   That is where,I see all these different  Blocks usually at a low dry area.  I figure in recent years,I must be on plenty of Hidden Trail Cameras as well. Thought,I would share the memories. 

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2 hours ago, blackbeltbill said:

   I have old and very recent memories of either September  Hiking or October Pheasant Hunting on different  areas of New York Public Lands. 

   I remember back when,I was around 11 or so or around 1970 and out walking with my Father who was Pheasant Hunting near the Orange County Black Dirt area. We came upon a small clearing with a Bloody Old Picnic Table . 2 Deer were hanging up in nearby Trees and a 3rd was cut up on the Picnic Table. A bunch of Salt Lick and other darker Blocks were stacked around. Of course,I did not know what they were at the time. My Father who was a Cop at that Time said - Let's  Get The Hell out of here. He had his Shotgun at Port Arms. I still Remember. 

   In the Decades to come,I have come upon in the Field edges and especially Wetlands while hunting for Woodcock plenty of Salt Blocks and Dark Mineral Blocks  and plenty of large Corn Piles.

   More recently in the last few years while Shooting in the Goshen,NY Blackdirt off Indiana Road,I saw a beat up pickup drive by close and pull into a Scrub Field. Close enough for me to see a good 3/ 50lb bags of Deer Corn and Blocks. 

 Quite isolated way back there.  A Full 1 mile back till it curves to the North . Indiana Road looks like a Farmer Access Road with Trenches on either side. But it is a Town Road in Goshen. DEC State Land is on both sides of the Walkill River in this area. Not many know.

     Some of these Blocks are Dirt Cheap. I looked up plenty. Tom Score/Deer + Wild Game Block with a picture of both a Buck and a Gobbler goes for $8.99 at Walmart.

  Anyway,I have come upon countless Blocks everywhere over the Decades.  One of my Fav Woodcock Hunting places ,I look for are soft Wetland areas with plenty of Indian Heads for Woodcock cover and soft ground to get to their Earthworms before they migrate again on the next night under the Stars.   That is where,I see all these different  Blocks usually at a low dry area.  I figure in recent years,I must be on plenty of Hidden Trail Cameras as well. Thought,I would share the memories. 

I’ve never really seen that on state land. Seen different things on private, mostly apples cut up and spread around certain stands but have never seen anyone in there. Did you get a plate number and call the DEC when you saw those guys dumping corn??

Edited by boo711
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I was hunting Letchworth one year later in the gun season off River Rd. A place I hadn't hunted in years. I was hunting in some pines that went in to some hardwoods.l sat there a while then started walking around and on the edge in the hardwoods I found a permanent stand with corn and apples around it. No one was in it but the scary part was if say I got checked I was hunting close enough that technically I was hunting over bait and I didn't know it was there. I called the park police and they met me at the parking lot and I showed them where it was and they said they would try to catch whoever was using it.

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1 hour ago, boo711 said:

I’ve never really seen that on state land. Seen different things on private, mostly apples cut up and spread around certain stands but have never seen anyone in there. Did you get a plate number and call the DEC when you saw those guys dumping corn??

Not my Business- but rest assured if,I saw you being hammered by 2 Men,I would be over in a Flash and make it my Business :up:

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1 hour ago, boo711 said:

I’ve never really seen that on state land. Seen different things on private, mostly apples cut up and spread around certain stands but have never seen anyone in there. Did you get a plate number and call the DEC when you saw those guys dumping corn??

A few weeks later,I did give DEC the exact Location of a huge corn pile in the same area at the end - 1 mile in on Indiana Road before it curves North.

   Care must be taken if a Truck is parked. People are watching you and out comes your Phone. Don't  catch a Bullet.

 1st paragraph above is good info for DEC once again to check this secluded area and the road/ field on the Left.

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1 hour ago, Bucksnbows said:

If you go into a PA hunting store, you will usually find stacks of bait even though it is not legal to use in that state.  


4 minutes ago, cynthiafu said:

We found that peanut butter jar hooked on that tree one day remember Bill. 

Sure. Probably Organic Peanut Butter- lol.

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2 hours ago, grampy said:

At any NY Tractor Supply store, they sell pallets and pallets of corn this time of year!!! Can barely keep up with demand! Wonder why that is???

I have to admit-" these" once crossed my mind while on mid and late April Scouting. So far though- Nada. Seriously- not for me though. 


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I was hunting a management program in 3S on the back border where out huntable land ends. I'm the distance I see a figure making his way in my direction from the private land. I hear a 5 gallon bucket being emptied of "corn-sounding" stuff. I let my guy know and he found scattered corn and an empty bucket. Litterbug!!!

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