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Going to be up in Lowville/Glennfield area at the end of the month..  looking for any info anyone would be willing to share on fly fishing opportunities in the area..  

have done some research on east branch of fish creek, but that may be a little far from where we are staying..  also looking at crystal creek and otter creek..

any help would be greatly appreciated!




This is my old stomping grounds.   My Dad had a camp up there and all we did was trout fish.  The independence is a beautiful stream but it isn't the trout stream it once was.  Try the Sperryville area,. Your gonna love the views but struggle to catch trout. It was my favorite trout stream for years but they no longer stock it and it struggles to maintain a wild population of brookies. I have emailed DEC a couple of times asking why it is no longer stocked and have never heard back. 

 Otter Creek has browns and brookies and the eatonville, partrigeville  area is a good place to start there.  Also a scenic creek.

  Crystal Creek can be good but it is super brushy and a bit of a battle to fish.

  The moose River in Lyonsdale is a pretty stream and always seems like it would be hot or cold for fishing.  

If your looking for a back woods search little otter used to be decent for some small brookies but it is hard to find as there are a few dirt roads in Confusion flats to access it.  

The East Branch of Fish Creek probably has the best fishing but yeah your a ways from there.  

I haven't fished much up there in a long time but hope that gets you started.  

"it's pointless for humans to paint scenes of nature when they can go outside and stand in it"- Ron Swanson

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