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What’s your must have sentimental item that you have to have when hunting?

I’ve got two.

My old carhartt hat. Had it for yrs and have taken a lot of deer with it. Fits perfectly on my big dome and its warm.

My old Remington knife. Bought that thing from kmart when I was a teenager. Gutted a lot of deer with it and only use it for that!


I bring this up because after my son shot his buck I couldn’t find my damn hat. Literally just found it. I had folded up the back seat in my truck and it was folded up. Man I had looked all freaking over for it.


My wife is not a hunter. The first year we were together, over 40 years ago, she bought me a fleece vest with deer head camo, that can be reversed to blaze orange.. I've worn it every hunting season since. It's getting a bit thread bare in spots. But I'll wear it until I hunt no more.

Posted (edited)

This is a long story and I'm not sure I've ever told it here or on the old site.

When I was 16 (the old gun hunting age), I received 2 gifts I still have (actually 3 including a parka that I still have too but don't use). A browning gold edition deer hunter shotgun and a buck knife. While that gun has killed quite a few deer, it hasn't killed them all and its been long retired as I moved to rifle territory.

The knife has been with me on every hunt and gutted every deer I've ever killed. At my current home I live in a pretty nice upscale neighborhood. Long story  short the house across the street happens to be that one house that most neighborhoods have. Grandparents adopted problem kids from shitty parents and these kids are on drugs etc etc. 

During bow season I'd typically leave my gear bag and bow in my truck. When I go to hunt in the morning I'm just grabbing my water and I'm off. I'm also pretty good about locking my truck, but like everyone I'm not perfect.

Anyhow I get to my spot one day and I'm getting dressed and my pack is not in the back. My bow and camo is all there but no pack. I'm pissed and figuring I somehow took it out and left it at home. I hunt anyhow and thankfully didn't shoot anything lol. Well I get home and turn the house upside down and I can't find it. I finally resort to the idea that I've been robbed. There was probably a few hundred dollars worth of gear in the bag, the most expensive being a rangefinder. A headlamp, the pack itself, all my tags, some calls etc. And at this point in my life I can't remember why my knife would be in my pack because It always stays on my belt which is on my pants that I hang up. Best I can think is that I did a wash and threw my knife in there so I wouldn't forget it.

Anyhow file a police report. Check some pawn shops and nothing. I'm not really worried about the other stuff, although annoying. I'm upset about the knife. So I post something on the local facebook page basically pleading that if someone has it that they return the knife, no questions asked.

My neighbor at the time sees it and knows more about this shitty house across the street than I did. He shows up a night later at the door and he's holding the pack. I'm floored. Said he went over there and talked to the grandpa and just kind of nicely prodded a little. Grandpa says he'd talk to the kid. On his way out though he sees a pack sitting int he back yard and guess what? 

Best guess is the kid was hoping for some money in the pack, which there wasn't. But he did eat my snickers bar. I never pressed charges. Not much good comes from that at the kids age and there were worse issues later with this kid, but now at this point he's long gone and things are peaceful. 

Edited by Belo

Take the "Buy and plant stuff and then hunt private land" Challenge! 


I have an old metal compass my Dad gave me when I turned 16 that was his.  I have carried that in every vehicle I have ever owned.  I used to carry his sheath knife til one season up in the Dacks I lost it.  I backtracked searching for it and there was snow on the ground.  To this day I still dont believe how I found it. ....It was actually sticking straight up in the ground/snow and the sun was glinting off from it like Dad was saying "its right here".   The sheath was just worn out as that knife had gutted trout, deer and anything else needed for years it now hangs in my hunt/fish room at home.  And I always carry my winchester model 94 30/30 when I hunt northern tier that he split the cost with me when I was 16. 

"it's pointless for humans to paint scenes of nature when they can go outside and stand in it"- Ron Swanson


My dad's old case 2 blade folding pocket knife.  That thing has gutted more deer and cleaned more fish then any other knife I owned.  I said owned, because it was lost while hunting several years ago.  I figured it's better to use and loose that knife than to keep it in a drawer.  

Posted (edited)

the only knife I have ever used to gut a deer is an old "old timer" that was my late grandfather's. I wrap the knife in his red handkerchief and put it in my left front pocket for every single hunt since he died in 2000. Only 1 other person has ever used it. @Sodfather forgot his knife and needed to use it to gut a buck he killed in 2018.

Edited by 2BuckBizCT
2 hours ago, nywaw said:

My grandfather's hunting knife.  I've had and used it since I was a kid.  Used it on my buck this year. :up:


Is that an old Western knife? I have one good metal holds a edge real well.


I never had any hand me down knives or anything. Dad does have a knife that he had from his old general store he used to use to gut deer when i grew up but he would use anything. that was sharp at the time, including sheetrock knives! lol i  found it buried in the gun cabinet not long ago and sharpened it from butter knife dull to shaving sharp and then put it back.  Three things in this order are my most sentimental. #1 a non-working musket that my parents have that's been passed down for more than several generations to the first born son of each generation. I'm next. #2 a '94 winchester 30-30 that's in my brother's possession. dad, me, and my little brother all took our first bucks with it. i hijacked it to tear it down and clean it as my brother doesn't take the best care of things. #3 my dad's model 7600 pump 30-06. when i gave up the 30-30 to little brother dad loaned me the 7600. i took lots of stuff with it from deer to coyotes to woodchucks. it's pretty accurate and has shot subMOA groups despite dad has never cleaned it. the copper fouling is probably perfectly conformed to the 150gr Core-lokt bullets he has always shot out of it. a somewhat distant #3 is my grandfather's 742 woodsmaster 30-06. dad got it from him because dad was sick of using other rifles and wanted his 7600 back that he had me using as a kid. fast forward grandpa got cancer and got rid of all his deer rifles after that. so i'm consequently the only one that has one of his rifles. i've taken it out but it's a safe queen.

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