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  • G-man

    Mairead's 2023 Youth Firearms Season Buck

      Year: 2023
      Species: Deer
      Weapon: Rifle
      Date Killed: 10/07/2023

    Mairead had a Great  hunt.  After spooking on walking  in, and then having a small fawn comin behind  her as she watched the buck come across the field and wasn't comfortable taking the shot it entered the woods and stopped to feed on some nuts. she waited it stepped  out from behind tree raised her head and bang!  Deer went 40 yards.  Her 1st deer ever and the 1st on the new property her dad bought adjacent to mine. ( was  on the property by about 10 yards..  ) 

    Used the same single shot 30/30 both her brothers  took  their 1st deer with after we had to ad a comb extension so her cheek would  hit the stock properly. She got a nice 5pt.  10 in spread with a broken brow or would of been a 6pt.. Both g 2 were 3 in .  Never saw her smile so much and loved to her her story at  lunch.   Her and her dad got it cut up and we were all able to make our friends wedding in the afternoon.24201.jpeg.67dc3cb74feab4148839f0e09ba4d99f.jpeg24204.jpeg.dd5f0b69ebe3748cc5efd2d0938f6182.jpeg24202.jpeg.4e158b8672727c96962fa8f5629720c2.jpeg


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