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     I used to be in 4 Gun Clubs over the Decades. Out of all of them now. Usually in mid December the Gun Club event of the year took place. THE GAME DINNER!

  Now the Game Dinner also served as a very Quick Gun Club Meeting without the boring " minutes" being read of the last Month's  Meeting. Just a real Quick overview .

   About 12 Huge Tables were set up and had numbers  on them. Up front was many tables in a line. All the Food was right there with at least 10 Member volunteers ready to serve up Game of all kinds that members had donated for this FEAST Event.

   If you were Lucky- you would be seated at a Table that would be called first to stand in line. Some years,I would be seated at the table where the Wait seemed forever . Now all of us are watching other members come back with STURDY  paper plates filled to the brim!

    Deer Meat made in all different  ways. Pheasant ,Wild Turkey of course . Black Bear also. Every year,I would try Black Bear again hoping that this year the meat would be more Tender.  Ducks,Geese etc,etc.

   Now the best meat,I ever had was- Big Horn Sheep . I made sure that,I got a full serving of that when,I saw the place card in front of the Roasting Pan.

  Black Bear,I am not a fan of. That Meat is Stringy and Tough.  Maybe it was the way it was cooked. I also Loved the Deer Sausage. 

    Now 2nds were allowed. No Line up this time. You ambled on up to that Front Table Line. There was always plenty  left over.

  A number of Cakes and Pies were on another table. That was the table you had to get to quick after Dinner. An army of Kids would somehow know when the Desert Table opened!  There was always a huge Strawberry Sheet Cake it seemed. That is what,I went for. 

  Now each member could bring one non member to the Game Dinner. So,I have attended  Game Dinners as the Guest of a member also.  

   Then often each year there would be the Big Buck Award. And always the " 50-50" . Buy 1 or more tickets . I usually  bought a good 5 Tickets. Club would get 50% and the Lucky Member with the Winning number would get the other 50%.

  So who here has attended these Fun and Delicious  Game Dinners?




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